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The Midway Ice Rink Committee was formed in the Fall of 2017, after a group of concerned citizens realized the city would not be opening the rink for the 2017 season.  To prevent any single person or entity from personally profiting from the rink, the Midway Ice Rink Committee was formed to oversee all management and operational responsibilities.  This volunteer committee is an entity of the Midway Boosters who are the operating arm of Midway’s beloved Swiss Days.

The History of the Midway Ice Skating Rink


In 2000, Midway City was approached by City Councilman, Bob Simonsen, who proposed a natural ice rink on the Town Square in the shade of the nearby pine trees.  The Midway City Council approved the effort, and Mr. Simonsen gathered some volunteers and created the rink.  Midway City provided plywood dasher boards and purchased some used equipment and skates from the defunct Utah Lake State Park ice Rink.  Ice Skates were scattered out on tables in the Midway Town Shelter near the City Offices with a Donation Box near the door, and the Midway Ice Rink was born with significant success.  The donation amounts were in the hundreds of dollars each weekend and the City felt they we were onto something.


Due to the short natural ice season, the City Council pursued refrigerated rink options; buying more used equipment from a temporary rink in New Orleans.  With the addition of several ball diamonds at South Fields Park, the use of the ball diamond at Town Square became limited, so the City Council approved the construction of the current refrigerated rink.


With a group of volunteers, city employees and some sub-contractors, the site was excavated, gravel installed, leveled and prepped for the refrigeration tubing.  A grant from the National Hockey Players Association was obtained, which paid the majority of the cost of the dasher boards and the board anchors were set along with the steel and tubing placed and tied. The cement was poured by a commercial subcontractor from Salt Lake.


The City was given 4 refrigeration units from the 2002 Olympics, of which only one was needed.  The other units were sold to help defray the costs of the rink.  Soon after, Midway City purchased two used mobile trailers at a significant discount from the Olympic Committee, which have served as the Skate Rental Building and Warming Hut for the past several years.  Due to the generous donations of the Olympics Committee and many volunteers, it is estimated that our beautiful rink cost less than half the estimated cost of a commercially-built rink.  Those who have enjoyed the rink throughout the years, express gratitude to those who have been involved in the creation of the rink and those volunteers who continue to work so diligently to ensure the continued success of our charming outdoor ice skating rink.

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